Hi, I’m Nick Foord

Supersonic is run by Nick Foord who has been teaching Economics and Business Studies at an outstanding school in Hertfordshire for the last twelve years.

Having taught and mentored hundreds of GCSE and A level students during this period it is fair to say that I have a good grasp on the strategy and approaches that are available to assist students in drawing out their best performance and optimum grade.

I believe that tutoring isn't just a profession, for me it’s a mission to help the people of tomorrow achieve their potential.

Qualification and teaching methodology

Most students go on to study at degree level with one of the Russell Group ( top 30 ) universities’ or secure a degree apprenticeship scheme with a leading blue-chip corporate organisation such as PWC, Deloitte and Merrill Lynch.
Other Teacher/Tutors available.


Nick and the SuperSonic team have accumulated decades of knowledge and adaptive teaching and learning styles which have enabled and inspired a diverse range of ability students to enjoy their studies and propel their grade. Resource materials are engaging, accessible for all and get to the point of the task and topic quickly.


Having taught well over four hundred students at A level and a similar number at GCSE SuperSonic are proud to have achieved an average A star to B grade performance of over 80%. Experience is the key to getting to know individual students and understanding what is the right personalised learning plan for them. With SuperSonic you are assured of receiving this.


Tuition sessions are always personalised to the individual. Students achieve their optimum when the tutor understands their preferred learning strategies and adapts the tuition experience and resources accordingly.


Ready To Achieve
Your Goals?

Get in touch today for a free consultation and let's discuss your journey to academic success and beyond!